
The European Office of the Bavarian Local Authorities in Brussels represents the Bavarian towns, cities, counties and districts since 1992. It is part of a joined office with Office of the Local Authorities of Baden-Wurttemberg.

The European Office acts exclusively on behalf of the local authorities.

Our task is not only the accurate observation of developments at European level, the regular report on legislative procedures, funding and relevant decisions of the European Court of Justice, but also the proactive representation of interests. The Bavarian local authorities are well aware of the important work done by the European institutions and the impact this work has on their daily business.

Therefore they want to promote and participate in this work in close cooperation with the European institutions, the Freestate of Bavaria, the Federal Republic of Germany and our European partners.

We are very pleased to welcome you in our office and answer any questions regarding the positions, challenges and objectives of the Bavarian local authorities.

Find more information about the Office's mission here.

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